Our in-person tournaments are a big deal! They’re fun, exciting and challenging. They give every participant bragging rights.
We strive to make our tournaments enjoyable and fun for all participants, regardless of skill level, so we have casual play and fun lessons in addition to the tournament. Kids are welcome to skip a tournament round if they want to (just like adults!)
Our tournaments are open to elementary students of all skill levels. They are rated by Chess Federation of Canada, so participants begin to develop an official chess rating, joining the wider chess community. Kids learn how to use a chess clock, and since these are Swiss tournaments, every child plays every round, and in general will face opponents who are fairly close to their level. And of course, there are amazing prizes awarded to the winners!
Our full-day tournaments, which are usually held on holidays and PA Days, include outdoor play and our awesome pizza lunch!
Our most recent tournament was a partnership with CodeNinjas in South Etobicoke on April 28. Watch this space for more upcoming tournament news!
Get ready for a thrilling afternoon of chess! Half Day Tournaments generally run from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm, feature 5 rounds of Swiss Tournament play, and offer snacks throughout the afternoon.
Full Day Tournaments generally take place on school PD Days. They run from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, feature 7 rounds of Swiss Tournament play, and provide lunch and snacks throughout the day.
If you would like CIC to run a Tournament or Event for you or your group, we’d love to hear from you.
From time to time, CIC puts on other events for its students and community. These range from exhibitions of the Giant Chess Set (it’s awesome fun) to parent information seminars. See below for details.
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